
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2009


Hi !!! Ready for November? Ok here ae some of our activities ,that we want to share with you!! Nov 3rd Our month is starting Nov 4th Conversation Group at Brisas del Lago (Leon Gto) Nov 26th Thanks Giving Day (check educational links to share activities with your students) Nov 28th Cambridge Coaching for TKT exams and others at Explora (Leon , Gto) ENJOY YOUR MONTH!!!!

Halloween is HERE!!!!

October Activities First week remember to check your calendars and dates for class Columbus Day Celebration , you can find information and tools to work with the theme in the web and if you need something just ask for it . 22nd MEXTESOL CONVENTION At Cintermex Monterrey Nuevo Leòn 31st HALLOWEEN PARTY remember the traditional Halloween party with the story of it and with nice presents for the trick or treat